
High moral and ethics standards.

Navigating the Complex World of Drug Possession Charges

The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC is dedicated to providing expert legal representation to those facing drug crimes in Maryland. If you have been charged with drug possession, it is important to understand the various defenses that may be available to you. We know the laws in Maryland and the best ways to guide and defend our clients. Drug Possession Defenses These are some of the most common defenses against drug possession charges: Claiming the drugs belong to someone else. One of the most straightforward defenses to drug possession charges is to argue that the drugs in question belonged to...

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Understanding Domestic Violence: A Guide for Victims and Advocates

Domestic violence is a serious and growing problem in our society. It affects millions of people each year and can have a lasting impact on the lives of victims, their families, and their communities. At the Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, located in Maryland, our dedicated domestic violence attorney is here to help those who have been affected by this devastating crime. Domestic violence can take many forms, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and financial abuse. The goal of the abuser is to exert power and control over the victim, making it difficult for them to escape...

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Divorce Attorney in Maryland: Navigating the Complexities

Divorce can be a challenging and emotional experience, especially when children and complex financial issues are involved. If you're considering divorce or have already filed for divorce in Maryland, it's essential to secure the services of an experienced and compassionate divorce attorney. We Understand the Stress and Uncertainty That Accompany Divorce At the Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, we understand the stress and uncertainty that accompany divorce. We are committed to providing you with the legal guidance and support you need to move forward with your life. Our experienced divorce attorneys have a deep understanding of Maryland divorce law...

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Criminal Lawyers in Maryland: Protecting Your Rights and Freedom

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Maryland, it's crucial to secure the services of a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney. The consequences of a criminal conviction can be severe and long-lasting, affecting your personal and professional life, as well as your financial well-being. That's why the Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, is here to help you navigate the complex and confusing criminal justice system and defend your rights and freedom. We Develop Effective Defense Strategies At the Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, we understand the gravity of your situation, and we are committed...

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Commercial Leases in Maryland: The Importance of Preparation

If you find yourself getting a ticket, whether it is a speeding ticket or a ticket for some other moving violation, you need an attorney on your side to protect your interests. In Maryland, most traffic convictions will be considered current on your record for two years following the date of your conviction, and if you accumulate several tickets during that length of time, you could have your license suspended or revoked, putting employment and essential mobility in jeopardy. Why Should I Contest a Ticket? While you may think a minor speeding ticket will have little impact beyond the hit to your...

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The Importance of a Commercial Buy/Sell Agreement in Maryland

As a business owner in Maryland, having a clear understanding of the different legal agreements involved in the ownership and transfer of a business is critical. One such agreement is a Commercial Buy/Sell Agreement. It’s important to understand what a Buy/Sell Agreement is, why it's essential for business owners, and why you need an attorney to help you draft a legally sound agreement. What is a Commercial Buy/Sell Agreement? A Commercial Buy/Sell Agreement is a contract between the owners of a business that lays out the terms and conditions for the transfer of ownership in the event of death, disability, or retirement...

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Child Support Attorney: Protecting the Best Interests of Your Children

As a parent, one of the most important responsibilities you have is to ensure the financial support of your children. Whether you are seeking child support payments or are facing the prospect of paying them, having a knowledgeable and experienced attorney on your side can make a significant difference. At the Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, we understand the complexities of child support cases and the impact they can have on families. That's why our team of dedicated child support attorneys works tirelessly to protect the best interests of our clients and their children. Know the Types of Child Custody...

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Navigating Child Custody Issues with an Attorney

Child custody can be one of the most challenging and emotional aspects of a divorce or separation. It involves determining the best arrangement for the care and well-being of your children. A child custody attorney can help guide you through the process and ensure that your rights and your children's best interests are protected. Understanding Child Custody and its Determining Factors Child custody refers to the legal arrangements for the care and well-being of minor children. It can include physical custody, which determines where the child will live, and legal custody, which determines who will make important decisions about the child's upbringing....

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Business Leases in Maryland: The Importance of Proper Preparation

Leasing a commercial space is a critical decision for any business, and it is important to approach it with proper preparation. A well-written lease can provide a solid foundation for your business, protect your rights, and ensure that you have a successful tenancy. A business lease attorney can help you achieve your goals—the Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, a Maryland-based law firm, is dedicated and experienced in business lease preparation. Why Proper Preparation is Essential for a Business Lease Leasing a commercial space is a complex process that requires careful consideration of a wide range of factors, including the...

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Your Guide to Navigating Legal Issues

As a business owner, you face a wide range of legal issues, from contracts and disputes to regulations and taxes. That's why it's essential to have a trusted business lawyer on your side; you need to know what they do, how they can help your business, and what you should look for when choosing one. What Does a Business Lawyer Do? A business lawyer specializes in advising and representing businesses on a wide range of legal matters. They guide everything from contracts and negotiations to mergers and acquisitions. Business lawyers also help resolve disputes, represent clients in court, and draft legal...

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Tips and Solutions for Navigating Business Contract Disputes

Introduction: A business contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, with clear and defined terms and conditions. However, disputes can arise when one party fails to fulfill their obligations or breaches the contract. In such cases, it is crucial to clearly understand the legal options available to resolve the dispute. I. Understanding Business Contract Disputes Definition of business contract disputes Common causes of contract disputes Importance of having a well-drafted contract II. Steps to Resolve Contract Disputes Negotiating a resolution Mediation and alternative dispute resolution Litigation as a last resort III. The Role of an Experienced Business Litigator ...

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Navigating Bankruptcy with the Help of a Skilled Bankruptcy Lawyer in Maryland

Filing for bankruptcy can be a confusing and overwhelming experience, especially for those who have never gone through the process. Fortunately, having the right legal representation can make all the difference. A bankruptcy lawyer is an attorney who specializes in representing individuals and businesses in bankruptcy proceedings. They help clients understand their options and assist them in filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. They also guide the discharge of debt and the rehabilitation of credit. Why is a Bankruptcy Lawyer Important? Bankruptcy is a complex legal process with many rules and regulations that...

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Navigating Alimony Issues with the Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC

Going through a divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, especially when it comes to determining alimony. Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a legal obligation for one spouse to provide financial support to the other after a separation or divorce. It can be a complex and confusing process, so it's essential to have a qualified and experienced alimony attorney to guide you through it. Understanding Alimony and Its Purposes Alimony is a legal requirement to provide financial support to a former spouse after a divorce or separation. Its purpose is to help the receiving spouse become financially independent and...

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Traffic Tickets Can be Costly—Hire the Help You Need

If you find yourself getting a ticket, whether it is a speeding ticket or a ticket for some other moving violation, you need an attorney on your side to protect your interests. In Maryland, most traffic convictions will be considered current on your record for two years following the date of your conviction, and if you accumulate several tickets during that length of time, you could have your license suspended or revoked, putting employment and essential mobility in jeopardy. Why Should I Contest a Ticket? While you may think a minor speeding ticket will have little impact beyond the hit to your...

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Should I Tell All to My Divorce Attorney?

When a marriage is rocky, volatile, and at its end, it would seem that keeping the embarrassing elements of that marriage a secret would be the best bet during a divorce. While that may be in your best interest when it comes to family, as far as your divorce attorney is concerned, tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as they say, to avoid any surprises in court. If your attorney doesn’t know everything about the case, it could end up putting him or her in a predicament if something comes up that you failed to share, a move...

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